Friday, April 28, 2017

Health update

I am sorry that it has been so long since I have updated regarding my health. Things have actually been improving now that I have worked closer with my homeopath. I will try to explain it the best I can however it does require a basic knowledge of homeopathy as a whole.
Homeopathy works on the premise of like cures like. For example someone with a bee sting or allergy may use honey to calm the reaction since they come from the same source. Someone who has seasonal flower allergies may use lavender oil to help soothe their itchy eyes and someone with food poisoning may take Arsenicum Album as if you ingested straight arsenic you would get the same gastro intestinal results.
For years I have taken tarantula for my PPD and mood swings however I had never tried the LM dosages and the max dose taken was a 1M (highest form that is readily available without contacting a pharmacy in pill form). We started on the 1 LM and have now progressed to LM2. As more discussions have gone on between us it has always caused confusion that I am not a true “spider” remedy. Spiders are known for being cold and emotionless and if you know anything about me I am quite opposite; with the exception being my PPD worst 4 years ago. I am bubbly and through these remedies have cried at things for the first time in 10+ years.
We kept circling and one day while I was going through my symptoms yet again my homeopath chimed in that she has another patient that has been treated for Lyme and my case sounds identical; flu symptoms, weakness etc. A tick is an arachnid just like a spider! Eight legs and all!
Anyone else seeing the connection?
I have gone and have been tested by my doctor with the very basic CDC test and it has popped negative. Our next steps are to try the Lyme nosode ( basically try to “give” me Lyme) to see if we can kick it. If it is not the right remedy nothing will happen but I am very hopeful. There is also a huge detox program involved with Lyme and I have begun that process already. Between the detox and being on level 2 of tarantula I could not have been feeling better. I am still having slight flares however it is nothing to what it was before. I have moved furniture all day and still been able to hike the following day. I have been able to walk the zoo without being in a wheelchair. I can come home from work and still do a lesson or 2 with the kids without collapsing. I can be intimate with my husband and not feel eeky and in pain.
I know I will never be 100% healed and will never be rid of this illness however my quality of life has improved greatly. My husband has his wife back and my kids have a mother that can actually do things. I have read books (finally finishing the Fellowship of the Ring which has been on my list for 13 years!), participated in 2 craft swaps, and worked overtime at work.
God is amazing in the things he has accomplished and the knowledge and wisdoms he has given Rebecca. I am so grateful for both and knowing I have my life back.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Easter week

Some time to reflect on the last week and share some things that have made me grateful.
 No time to be depressed when you are happy for what you have.

A weekly painting date night with hubby. Although it is tedious and has some very tiny spots to paint it is fun to bond at home and has lead to some deeper conversation time.

dying Easter eggs with shaving cream and food coloring.

remembering the resurrection story with breakfast rolls.
celebrating our first Passover sedar with the kids from a Christian perspective. It was very enlightening to see the why of so much that we do due to the rich history from the Old Testament.

An Easter egg hunt provided by our wonderful congregation at church for the community. Over 67,000 eggs were packed by members, including our children, and its amazing that 7000+ people can fit in such a tight space.

The last 3 weeks have been great health wise as I have accomplished more with my family and kids without crashing due to my new treatment plan. The current 2 days have been rough with setbacks but hopeful due to finally seeing progress.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Farm swap

I apologize for the lack of updates. I have found Instagram as of late and found it so much more user friendly as Blogger no longer has a phone app for updates. Lately I have been working through this farm swap blanket which has been sucking every moment dry between work. I plan on gifting the final product to the littles for Christmas and another for Nico their stepbrother. My swap box was shipped off yesterday and I am now plugging away at tulip fields. 18 farm animals were cut out as well yesterday on the scroll saw. I am so excited for how this project will turn out once completed. Here are a few snippets on our farm:


This is what swap crafting truly looks like....

What are you crafting lately? Have you started any of your Christmas gifts yet?

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