Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Update on Nanners

UPDATE: The lady just came and went. The person I talked to on the phone didn't mention ANY of the sensory issues to the paperwork lady. After talking to us she decided that it may be a good idea to bring an Occupational Therapist in as well.

We will be meeting with a Behavioral Therapist  and an Occupational Therapist sometime within a few weeks and will have a total meeting with everyone on the 11th. I am so relieved they didn't say we were crazy, shitty parents or were making stuff up.

She was very impressed on how we had handled her sensory issues so far and how great her speech was. She could also see though her rough housing like crazy and her defiance all within the hour without a meltdown. I will be so happy when we get some suggestions on how to deal with her.

They did already say though that as soon as she turns 3 in September she will need to be transferred services. We will have to see how things are going at that point as we aren't putting her in the public school so it puts us in a weird situation. In IL we are still entitled services but you have to be careful how the school district is and make sure they arent pushy in a bad way.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thankful Thursday- Big news

I havnt posted lately as I have been very unsure of where we were going in our life. Blessings none the less but some you have to go through some hell first. Mostly this is very personal on our end but its nice to get it out somewhere.

 Late January we found out that we would be expecting number 6. Yay! However it is always a concern how everything will work as I am the only one working and get no maternity leave. Not so yay. The big guy upstairs has some plans I'm sure but still leaves me with some fear of the unknown. We also have been unsuccessful to find a home birth midwife that accepts our insurance and I do not have large chunks of money laying about. We will be going through a UP/UC which is all unassisted pregnancy and childbirth. Baby seems to be doing well and I'm gaining weight so all looks good on our end.

Our other big news is on Nanners. She has always been my handful child and always will be. She keeps us on our toes and occasionally makes me pluck gray hairs from my 20 year old head. We have always known that something was a bit off with her but just accounted it as quirks. However she has become increasingly more violent with others and herself now. Her speech has regressed tremendously and although she can still tell you stories about her Papi if you ask her to tell you what she did wrong it sounds like a bunch of marbles. We had always been on the fence about calling Early Intervention but after she gave herself plenty of bruises we felt as if we don't have a choice. She needs more help than obviously we can give her alone. She still is excelling intellectually but behaviorally she is gonna need help working through her feelings and expressing them appropriately. We are having our first consultation next week and then will be meeting with a developmental therapist and a behavioral therapist to get some suggestions to help her.

Prayers are always appreciated as this is a new road for all of us.