Some time to reflect on the last few weeks and share some things that have made me grateful.
No time to be depressed when you are happy for what you have.
my car breaking down on payday and not before as we would have been too broke for tow...
a kind police officer that called another officer to bring me to IHOP vs sitting in the cold, and NOT giving me a ticket...
finally getting custody of Randy's old dog from his ex... now we have the kids and the dog!
yarn. all that's ever needed...
a kind friend reminding me this morning that its OK to ask for more than you ever think you are worth since more often than not you are selling yourself short....
the kids laughing about my lack of knowledge of newer social media and making me figure out how to use Instagram...
finally getting the strength to tell my one boss and her boss about some problems at work. I'm still nervous and waiting on resolution but it felt so good to stand up for myself and my team as we have had these problems for years...
finding out the growth on my ear is for sure a keloid. it will always look funny but won't kill me so we will take it!
a new TENS unit. great for pain relief with back and neck pain...
Giddy baby being a big boy and playing with play dough...
nature walks with the Magnar and the Gid.
what are you grateful for this week?