Sunday, October 25, 2015

It's been awhile

The last few weeks have been hectic to say the least so I do apologize for the lack of posts. Between the littles being sick, an ER visit for me, and weekly phone conferences with Randy's Ex it has been draining.  There is still however plenty to be grateful for.

...I was able to visit our church for a 1 day women's conference for preparing your heart for advent. I was highly encouraged and motivated. It was nice to know that we as a family have been able to reduce highly with the presents to focus on presence and our family has many traditions and rituals that other families are striving for. Our goal for this year is to give back a bit more and show the kids a bit more volunteer time.

Photo by Beanie
... Xrays after the ER to know that I don't have any true damage to my neck due to excessive car crashes.

...Sickness being shortlived by help with essential oils.

Photo by Beanie
...success with continuing the rhythm roundup boot-camp by Waldorf Essentials. We are TFW members and was a great worthwhile investment for our family.

...we have had to talk with Randy's ex regarding Mark's grades. We are praying now for guidance and hope that we can get him home and where he needs to be as he is struggling through classes yet again.

Photo by Beanie
... Mark getting an eye exam and discovering he needs glasses. We are hopeful that he will have more progress after he is able to see. 

photo by Beanie
...getting through birthdays and hitting a 1 year nurseversary! 

Photo by Beanie
...we have been blessed massively financially as bonuses and a returned deposit couldn't have come at better times. I have been stressed massively regarding money but God has been providing as always and been reminding me to rely on him more. 

...we are very excited to possibly start with a new organization called Spiral Scouts.  Here is to hoping it may be a good fit for our family.

How has your week been?

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